
“A life well lived, is a life worth celebrating”

There are two things I often hear after I have officiated a ‘Celebration of Life’ funeral service. Firstly, I am asked whether I knew the deceased, and secondly, that, “When it’s my time, that’s the kind of service I want!”

To my mind, celebrants are storytellers; to share the story of someone’s life with warmth and compassion. There may be tears, but tears are not the mark of weakness, but of power. Tears are the way in which our hearts speak…when our lips simply cannot find the words to describe the pain we feel.

Saying goodbye to someone you love is hard and, for many, grieving is a deeply personal experience. There are no rules. We are all different. I believe, however, that if you give someone who has died an unforgettable send-off, whether it is a cremation or burial, one that is conducted with dignity and with style, families can make new memories to go with treasured ones they already hold dear.

As an independent celebrant, my role will be to work in conjunction with you and your appointed Funeral Director, to plan and deliver the most fitting and memorable service of remembrance, be it religious, wholly non-religious, or perhaps somewhere in between, in keeping with your own personal beliefs or spirituality.

When we meet, either at your home or at a location of your own choice, we can discuss the service that is right for you and your family. They can be religious in nature, with hymns, psalms and prayers, or they can be non-religious, with poems, readings and anecdotes, laced with favourite songs or even live music.

It may be that you wish to participate in the service itself, perhaps by reading the eulogy or a poem or reading, but whatever you decide, I can help you put it all together in a way that is fitting, respectful and in keeping with the wishes or personality of the loved one who has passed away. Of course, other members of the family who would like to be involved in the service are welcome to join us; alternatively, I could speak with them separately, at your convenience.

I hope you will find the information here helpful, especially during this most difficult of times. However, if there is anything you are concerned or worried about that I have not explained, please get in touch and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. Finally, my fee for a funeral service will typically be included in the final invoice that you will receive from your Funeral Director.

It will be my great privilege to help you honour the memory of someone special.
